
The mission of the Administration Department is to assist the County Board in developing policies and coordinating the activities of the various Departments of the County. The Administration Department also serves as a central Personnel Department for the County handling such activities as benefit administration, employee relations, and recruitment & selection.

Department Coordination

Provide coordination of Department activities to reduce duplicative effort or conflicts between departments. WI Stats 59.19 requires counties to designate an individual as administrative coordinator. The Statutes say, "The administrative coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating all administrative and management functions of county government not otherwise vested by law in boards or commissions, or in other elected offices." This activity is done primarily through staff meetings with Departments and with meetings with various standing committees.

Special Projects & Policy Development

Assists the County Board on special projects that are not assigned to a particular department. These projects generally involve countywide functions or interactions with other outside organizations. When necessary, assist in developing policies in the form of ordinances for re-occurring circumstances. When projects require a one-time action, a resolution is prepared following committee recommendation.