Board of Health

Appointing Authority
(1) Members shall be appointed by the Chairperson, subject to confirmation by the County Board.

(a) Composition. Consistent with §251.03, Wis. Stats., as amended by 1993 Wisconsin Act 27, the County Board of Health shall consist of the following:
1. Five (5) County Board Supervisors (Chair Dana Miller, Derek Woellner, Laurie Thiel, Marguerite Lyskawa, and Angela Cumming)
2. One (1) physician (Dr. Michael Clark)
3. One (1) nurse (Kay Kissinger-Wolf)
4. One (1) member at large (Dr. Corey Apprill)

(b) Tenure. The term of office of members shall be 2 years commencing with their appointment by the County Board at its April 1994 organization meeting.

(c) Vacancies. Persons appointed to fill a vacated position shall serve the balance of the 2-year term.

(3) Duties. The Board shall act as the policy and oversight committee of the County Health Department (formerly known as the County Nursing Service.).

View the agendas, meeting minutes, and packets.

Dana Miller Dana Miller District 16 715-966-1914
Derek Woellner Derek Woellner District 4 715-440-4331
Laurie Thiel Laurie Thiel District 8 715-571-0078
Marguerite Lyskawa Marguerite Lyskawa District 14 715-966-6400
Angela Cummings Angela Cummings District 20 715-218-7770