Food & Waterborne Illness Reporting Form


The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has an online form for the public to fill out to report possible food or waterborne illness in the state.

Sometimes food that you ate, water that you drank, or water from pools, lakes, or rivers can have germs that make you sick. Telling public health about your illness and sharing information about a food or water source you think made you sick will help us keep others in your community safe. If a common source of illness is found, public health officials can take steps to prevent more people from getting sick.

If you feel that you became ill after visiting a certain public eating or swimming area,  click here to report your illness. You can fill out the form for yourself or for a group of people (if more than one person got sick).  You will be asked about your symptoms, places you have recently visited and food you have ate in the last few days. All information you provide is confidential, safe, and secure. 

Learn more at the WI Department of Health Services website

Last update: 3/5/2024