Child Care Certification

Lincoln County Department of Social Services is contracted by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families to facilitate child care certification for Lincoln County Residents.

The state law, s. 48.65 (1), Stats., states: If a child care provider cares for 4 or more children under the age of 7 who are not related to the provider, for compensation, the provider must obtain from the Department of Children and Families, Bureau of Early Care and Regulation a license to operate a child care center. This means that if a certification applicant is caring for 4 or more unrelated children under age 7, the agency does not have the authority to approve the application for certification because s/he is violating the licensing law.  The applicant must comply with certification standards DCF 202 before certification may be granted.   WI DCF Child Care Certification


Lincoln County contracts with Childcaring - Central Wi Early Education Resources for child care certification.  Please visit their website at: